Practice questions

What are practice questions?

Usually taken from past exam papers, these are an excellent way to practice applying what you have learnt in the context that you will ultimately be assessed through.

Why should I use practice questions?

  • They are how you will be tested in your final assessments/exams
  • They can be completed in timed conditions to build up your writing speed and stamina
  • They make you think about the content knowledge in a deeper way than simple knowledge recall
  • You are made to think about content in a flexible way as questions could be posed in a range of forms/styles

How can practice questions be used as part of revision?

Practice questions should constitute a regular part of revision. However, you do not need to complete full practice questions every time you use them as there are other ways they can effectively be used:

  • Breaking down questions: Practice breaking down a question to determine what the command words are and what content the question is addressing
  • Planning questions: Instead of writing out full questions, make a shortened plan, setting out what aspects of the question you would address in each part of your answer
  • Mark schemes: Use an accompanying mark scheme to help plan, or complete, your answer
  • Section practice: If you always struggle on one aspect of a question, e.g. your introduction, practice completing this part for multiple questions

Where can I find practice questions?

For KS4 students, practice questions can be found on Microsoft Teams in the Year 10 Revision Team, or Year 11 Revision Team.

Within these teams, each subject has a Channel where they have posted past exam papers, which include many practice questions.

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