
We hope that the admissions process will be the first step on a successful journey that you and your child/ren start with us at Vista.

This section of the website is designed to provide parents with all the information they require to complete the admissions process at Vista.

We hope parents who have access to this website will find the information that they require quickly and easily.

We will send out to all prospective parents any forms which they will need to complete and return to us, although you can also find copies of some of the forms further down this page.

In the sections outlined below, you will find all the information contained within our admissions booklets.

As an Eco-school we are pleased to provide all the information you require online in this section. You may wish to print certain sections to read at your leisure, or you may request a paper copy of this information by contacting the college via email at 

Please note that we will be sending out a letter and all necessary forms to parents of those pupils who have been notified recently by the Local Authority of their official allocation of a place at Vista for September. The letter and forms will be sent directly to parents at the end of the spring term (prior to the Easter holidays).

Year 7 (11+ Entry)

The majority of our students join us after the end of year six, at the culmination of their primary school education, joining us at the start of year seven.

Applications for places at the Academy should be made in accordance with Cambridgeshire County Council’s admissions arrangements, referred to as the ‘transfer to secondary school admission round’. Further information and application forms can be downloaded from their transfer to secondary school page.

For admissions outside of the normal age range, we will consider all requests to place children outside of their normal age group including summer born and premature children in line with the requirements of paragraph 2.17 and 2.17B of the School Admissions Code.

Joining us beyond year seven

If you are relocating your family to Cambridgeshire, or wish for your son or daughter to transfer schools for other reasons, please contact us for admission information.

To apply for a place at Vista Academy Littleport, please do so through the Cambridgeshire County Council Admissions Service.

Admission Form

Please only complete the form below once you have been offered a place by Cambridgeshire County Council.  The Data Protection Act (1998) and the Education (Pupil Information) (England) Regulations 2005 protect this strictly confidential information, stored on the Academy’s student records database.

The information on ethnic origin and first language is needed by the school and the Local Authority to ensure that resources are made available when required and that the Education Service offers real equality of opportunity for all pupils.

Details of Student

Legal name MUST be as it appears on the student's Birth Certificate

Details of Parents/Carers with whom the Student lives

Parent / Carer 1

When you've submitted this form, we'll send a confirmation to the email address provided above.

Parent / Carer 2

Please tell us immediately if any of the above details change

Separate Parent Information

For those with parental responsibility (but who may not necessarily reside with the child). In English law, Parental responsibility is a legal phrase used to define who has the rights and obligations in making decisions which affect the child's life. Parental responsibility includes legal rights and responsibilities in choosing and providing for the child's education. Unless there is a Protection Order from the Court, the Academy has a legal obligation to provide all people with parental responsibility, reports and school information. The Academy will assume that the person/s listed below, who has/have parental responsibility, but with whom the student does not reside, will automatically receive information regarding the pupil.

Protection Order Information

If there is a Protection Order issued against the person/s listed below, who have parental responsibility, please provide details on a separate piece of paper, to the attention of the Academy's Designated Safeguarding Lead. The information you provide will be treated as strictly confidential but may be shared with other relevant members of staff at the discretion of the A cademy's Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Emergency Contact Details (other than Parents/Carers)

These are very important to us. If your child becomes ill during the day, we need to be able to contact you or someone acting for you who is able to collect your child. If we are unable to contact you, you may wish to give the contact details of up to two persons who may (with their agreement) act on your behalf in an emergency. If you have no relatives in the area, then ask a friend, neighbour or childminder if they would be willing to act as an emergency contact.

Contact Priority 1 (if parents/carers not available)

Contact Priority 2 (if parents/carers not available)

Lunch Arrangements

The Education Funding Agency are committed to ensuring that those students who claim Free School Meals receive additional funding for their education so please do check your eligibility and claim if you are entitled to.

Young Carer

A young carer is someone under the age of 18 who helps look after, or whose life is affected by, a relative with a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem.

Medical Details

It is important that you provide us with information of the medical centre/surgery that your child is registered with.

Student's Medical Needs/Conditions

Please note that if your child has a long term, ongoing health needs they may require an Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP). The Academy will be in contact to arrange a suitable time to complete an IHCP with you.

It is helpful for the Academy to have copies of letters that diagnose conditions - please provide these in a sealed envelope for the attention of the SENCO at the Academy. Should your child suffer from any medical conditions that require them to take medication at school, this will be kept in a locked cupboard in our first-aid room. You need to provide us with the following:

  • Medication in its correct packet/container - blister packs for tablets are not acceptable.
  • Bottled medicine must be new and unopened, so we can monitor correct usage.
  • MUST have a dosage on the packet/bottle if an 'Over the counter medicine'
  • MUST have a prescription label if a prescription only medicine, with a valid 'from' date, expiry date, dosage and student's name on it. The label must be clear and not tampered with.
  • Written permission from the parent to administer the medication

It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to update the Academy of any changes to their child's medical needs

Special Education Needs (SEN)

If YES, please indicate below to confirm if your child is identified on the SEN register at their current school and if they have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP):

Ethnic Information

To help us and the local authority in monitoring equal opportunities you are asked to complete the following: Family's Ethnic Origin. (our ethnic background describes how we describe ourselves. This may be based on many things, including, for example, skin colour, culture, ancestry or family history. Ethnic background is not the same as nationality or country of birth.)

Travel Arrangements

If you believe your child may be entitled for free transport to Vista Academy Littleport, please refer to Cambridgeshire County Council's web page.

Details of last school attended (prior to Vista Academy Littleport)

A representative of Vista Academy Littleport will contact your child's previous school, prior to the starting with us to gather relevant information to ensure that transition is smooth.

Service Children in School

Schools are now required to indicate whether a child has parent(s)/guardian(s) currently serving in regular military units of any of the armed forces, and designated as Personnel Category 1 or 2.

Children in care of a Local Authority

Parent / Carer Consent

We require permission from you for several things. Please fill in the permission tick boxes below. In an instance of an organiser needing to contact you whilst your child is participating in a school trip the contact details used will be those recorded on the Academy database - it is therefore essential that any changes to contact telephone numbers are notified to the Academy as quickly as possible. Likewise, any medical conditions which your child may develop over their time at the Academy should also be reported to us.

Throughout my child's time at Vista Academy Littleport , I give the following permissions for my child:

Local Visits

Use of Photograph/Video/DVD images

At Vista Academy Littleport we take the issues of child safety very seriously, and this includes the use of images of pupils.

Biometric Data

Vista Academy Littleport operates a Cashless catering service. New students will be enrolled onto the system upon joining the Academy.

The method of recognition which Vista Academy Littleport has chosen is Thumbprint scanning. This system does not store any personal identity data on the system. When purchasing food from the canteen, your child will simply place their thumb on the reader when they arrive at the till.

Students whose parents/carers do not consent to the use of biometric data will still have a cashless catering account but this will be access manually by the till operators entering the student's name - operating accounts in this way means that transactions will take longer and also carries a higher risk of administrative error, whereby incorrect accounts could be inadvertently debited.

The Youth Support Service

The Youth Support Service supports young people in Cambridgeshire with their health, lifestyle and career aspirations, enabling them to achieve their full potential in their transition to adulthood. The service is delivered by a range of staff working in small teams across Cambridgeshire who work from district team offices, schools, colleges and youth centres.


We will use EduLink as our main method of communication to share updates about your child’s progress and attitude, we also use EduLink to share important messages and to collect information and consent when required. Login details will be sent to you once your child is enrolled at the Academy.

SIMS InTouch

In addition to Edulink we do occasionally use our system called SIMS InTouch.


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