
The local governing body is responsible for the conduct of the school. Governors act as critical friends to the school and support staff in promoting the high standards of educational achievement and personal development that we want for our students.

Local Governing Body

NameAppointmentStart of termEnd of termRoles
Harding, RayCommunity19/03/202418/03/2028Chair of Governors
Health and Safety
Harrison, NickEx-Officio 01/09/2023Ex-OfficioHead of School
Evans, JoParent14/10/202413/10/2028Careers
Lee, WendyCommunity19/03/202418/03/2026SEN and Inclusion
Owens, LauraParent14/02/202413/02/2028Vice Chair of Governors
Rivett, AdamCommunity19/03/202418/03/2027Pupil Premium

  • To contact the Local Governing Body please contact the Clerk to the Governors, Louise Todd.
  • Up-to-date information is available though the DfE Get Information about Schools website: Current and past Governors

Transparency and interests

Many governors work in a voluntary or paid capacity in organisations that relate to education; and their expertise and networks are often useful to the school for that very reason.

In the interests of transparency, governors declare what education-related interests they have, linked below. If any debate comes up that directly affects their business or other interests, they declare that fact at the meeting and, when appropriate and in consultation with the chair, recuse themselves from participating in any decision-making process.

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