At Vista Academy Littleport we are committed to all students achieving the very best they can whilst at our school.

Year 9 students are about to enter an exciting phase of their educational career: for the first time they will have the opportunity to select some of the subjects that they will study. We recognise that making these decisions can sometimes be difficult. Some students have a clear idea about the career they wish to pursue but many of them may be unsure at this stage. The learning journey through the curriculum that they have followed so far has been carefully sequenced to allow them to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to achieve their best at Key Stage 4. Our learning pathways will ensure they retain a balanced and varied programme of study.

This is an important decision and we will guide you in making the right choices. It is important for students to talk to their form tutor, their class teachers and their parents/carers, engage with the subject information videos and the Pathways booklet, PSHE lessons and attend their guidance interview.

Pathways Timeline

w/c 20th JanuaryPathways subject information videos and booklet
23rd JanuaryPathways Assembly to Year 9
January / FebruaryPSHE: Pathways focus
FebruaryYear 9 Reports
24th-25th FebruaryPathways guidance interviews
27th FebruaryChoices form sent out
5th MarchDeadline for submitting choices

Pathways Booklet

A source of reference giving information about the Pathways process and courses on offer:

  • What is covered?
  • How is it covered?
  • How is it assessed?
  • Which combinations of subjects you can/can’t choose

Download Booklet

Subject Information Videos

The videos below will provide you with details of the courses that we offer from the beginning of Year 10.

Pathways Letters

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