Online quizzing platforms

What are online quizzing platforms?

These are websites where you can complete short quizzes, testing your core knowledge of subjects. They will often contain multiple choice, or short answer questions and will allow you to tailor your revision to certain topics. Examples include MathsWatch for Maths and Educake for Science and Geography.

How do I use online quizzing platforms to revise?

These websites are best used in short, frequent sessions, instead of one long session. When using the website, select a topic that you want to revise, choose an appropriate number of questions to complete and see how well you do in the quiz.

Quizzing websites will often give you immediate feedback on your answers, helping you to identify what you do and don’t know. When you receive this feedback, you should then focus the rest of your revision on the topics/areas where you performed less well in the quiz.

Sometimes, your class teachers will set quizzes as part of your homework.

Why should I use online quizzing platforms?

They allow you to cover a lot of content in a short amount of time, saving you precious time

They give you immediate feedback so you know whether or not you have got the answers correct

The feedback can help direct the rest of your revision so that you focus on the content that you most need to revise

Examples of quizzing websites include:

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